Day 34 – Fog and the big City

This could be the title for a children’s book. These were my challenges for the day. The first 2 hours visibility ranged from a quarter to a tenth of a mile. US 90 had a decent shoulder so the challenge was to see the road signs as I was no longer following the map and the garmin 800 had no course programmed. The big city was Tallahassee, the road signs were few and far between, but I just stayed on the widest road. After passing Florida State University, I checked the smartphone and it indicated I was on the right road.

Speaking of US 90, it has a split personality, most of the day it was actually hilly. Long 5% grades, some 8% right by Chattahoochee! 3000 ft of climbing over 130 miles. The nicer side of 90 was the last 20 miles – fairly level so I could maintain a good steady pace.

At Chattahoochee, I stopped for some juice and was interviewed by a local newspaper reporter (retired reporter?) For longer than I wanted. I think it was for Jackson county. And I found this link to the article (still active as of 2-23-19) .

JCFloridian Article

I also stopped and talked to 3 college age men who started in Austin in April. They were fixing a flat but did not need help.

I had an impromptu race with a 4 wheeler. They rode onto the shoulder, saw me and shifted to the grass, race was on, I won going uphill. My knees still hurt, I must not be so competitive in the future.

I made it to Madison FL only to find that town no longer had lodging. My next town was 30 miles away but due to the time change it was already 6pm and that was too far with waning light. The mapping function on my phone showed that 6 miles off route to the south by the freeway was where the lodging had gone. The check in guy told me about a shortcut that will get me back on track in a few less miles than backtracking.

Final day tomorrow, looks like the weather will hold out.

Day 33 – Why is my right leg getting wet?

The rain  was off and on all day, the first batch occurred at 8:30 and only lasted about 20 minutes. What was strange is that my right leg was getting wet. When I looked at the front crank I saw water coming out of the chain tube as I pedaled. I think water had gotten into the chain trough under the seat either from a gap in the cover or somehow from the rear wheel. Pedaling emptied the water vie the chain. It only happened during that first shower and not the longer subsequent rain.

Just prior to the rain, I caught up with the ACA southern tier group of 12 that left San Diego on March 11. There had been 13 but they lost a rider due to some incident in a tunnel outside of Phoenix ( broken wrist). I remember that tunnel as being a pedal for your life going uphill with my hazard flashers on hoping the cars would use the second of 2 lanes to pass me. They were only going as far as Marianna FL, which is also where I stopped due to thunder and increased severity of storms ahead of me.

Another change of plans. Instead of the scenic route to St. Augustine, I will be taking a straight shot to Jacksonville on US 90. I might reach the 3rd coast Wednesday afternoon. The first coast was the Pacific, the second coast was the Gulf coast that I left on Sunday.

Another fine establishment tonight ( better than camping in the wet), with a surprise in the fridge

Those are Michelob Ultras, one of them I think helped in the replanning. The thing on the top is my camelback with leftover Gatorade.

Day 32 – Humid ride

I know, it’s Florida what should I expect.

I entered Florida at 8:08, which means I spent less than a day riding in Alabama including the ferry ride and the overnight stay. The ride started out foggy then within a mile I got wet – with a sprinkler that over rotated to the street. Aside from being soaked with sweat by the time I rode 10 miles, that was it – none of the predicted rain set up. The chance of rain exists through the rest of this adventure.

I caught up with the sisters I met yesterday at the state line where I took this picture. Oops it happened again, apparently if I turn off my phone too soon after taking a picture, it never gets written to the file system. Well this is the picture that I borrowed from their blog that I took.

I met another group of 5 southern tier riders that started March 7. We talked a bit and they were surprised I fit all that gear in the velomobile. They were mainly camping through the entire trip. One of the group joined in Austin, TX.

Surprising amount of climbing today of 1800 ft, Pensacola has a few bluffs on US 90. The area where I am tonight is at 200 ft.

I need to pray to be a little more tolerant of the curious. I wish they would just take a picture and not box me in a narrow bike line as they pace me. Stopping to the right of that bike lane ahead of me and then opening the car door to extend across that lane as I am traveling down hill with traffic on my left is also not quite right.

Working on some route changes to turn the next 5 days into 4. It just might be possible.

I can tell I am in the south, east of the Mississippi

Day 31 – The Velomobile can Float!

As long as it’s on a ferry.

I got up at 5 to break camp and be on the road around 6:30. I wanted to make sure I made the 12:30 ferry not knowing if lines backed up on a weekend as they were only running one ferry. I made a call at the point in the route that would have allowed me to take the longer land route and today’s message said it was running.

With 3 miles to go in 3 minutes, it was clear I would not make the 11:00 ferry but I was 3rd in line for the 12:30. Even though I asked around, it turns out I did not have to be in line at all since I was a cyclist – no signage to that effect.

I did get to talk to lots of folks and eat and use the restroom etc until the ferry arrived. It was a nice rest break. They put the walkers and bicycles on last.

I left Mississippi at 8:18 am today and will leave Alabama tomorrow maybe before I get wet. Seems to be very likely that I will get wet tomorrow.

After leaving the dock, I met two sisters going coast to coast on the southern tier. Diane and Carol (I may not have the 2nd name correct) from Nebraska and Nevada have been riding since February 27. They have seen several groups including the ACA and Bubba’s group. They have camped less than I have and we both shared thoughts of why not ship that stuff home – but none of us have.

Day 30 – 5 states down, 3 to go

Louisiana took less time than Texas ( thank goodness ), tomorrow I leave Mississippi and enter Alabama, Sunday I enter the last state of this journey, Florida. I also get to take a 45 minute ferry ride tomorrow – I’m excited.

Another nice day, a little less climbing at 1800 ft. I did encounter more dogs again, the big one seemed confused as he kept pace with me going uphill trying to figure out what to bite. While the route passed many homes it seemed to avoid towns leaving me feel a bit isolated.

I’m staying at an interesting place that let’s cyclists camp on an elevated roofed octagon platform. Here’s the view from 10 feet up.

If you look closely ( click/tap the picture to enlarge ), you can see the camping cot beneath the yellow thermarest mattress.

Rumor has it an adventure cycling group was at this campsite 2 days ago and Bubba’s Pampered Pedalers were here 9 days ago. Maybe I’ll see more cyclists yet.

Day 29 – Pleasant Pedaling

Sunny, low humidity, temps in the 70s, trees, no dogs chasing me, 2500 ft of gentle climbing with rolling roads, good road surface, light traffic – very nice day.

My wonderful wife pulled off a miracle and shipped my old rear shock to me in less than 24 hours so it arrived during my rest day.

Bike maintenance went fine. Front tires rotated and the original rear shock was installed. The risse air/oil shock was leaking oil. The ride is smoother again. Will have to see about repairing the fancy shock when I get back. Examined all the tires again and they are looking fine.

Yesterday was a good day to take a break. The front turned out to be stronger than predicted. T storm watch for everyone with T storm and tornado warnings as well. Twice as much rain as predicted and local flooding.

I needed to replan st25 which became st25a. I will be camping tomorrow and had planned to camp Saturday, but the campgrounds in Gulf Shores are full. I had to scramble to find some lodging. Hopefully I make the ferry crossing or I might be sleeping in the velomobile 🙂


Day 28 – Mississippi Crossing

The route map cautioned cyclists to not use LA hwy 1 until they needed to due to traffic and shoulders. The route had me going a little longer on lighter used roads. The roads were lightly used because they were not in the greatest shape. I would rather climb a 4% grade than dodge potholes and bounce around wondering if I was abusing the velomobile. So slow going today riding just on the other side of the levee which is posted as no trespassing. ( the Mississippi river was on the other side and I could not see it )

Then there was LA hwy 1, about 5 miles had a very narrow 3 ft shoulder with debris and that’s the only place I could ride. A steep drop off to the right and fast traffic to the left that I needed to constantly monitor. Oh well, it can only get better.

The Audubon bridge that I crossed the Mississippi river on was only completed 2 years ago and has the 2nd longest cable-stayed span in the western hemisphere. Very nice!

More dogs, only one got close and made eye contact – horn worked again.

I stopped for bananas at a grocery store and got the same question after what is it – how much did it cost followed by aren’t you afraid someone’s gonna steal it. Only in LA is the focus so much on $, makes me wonder why they focus on that. Am I paranoid? No, I think I need to answer the $ question with how much will you give me?

Wednesday will be a rest and maintenance day. I need to sleep in, do laundry, rotate  the front tires to even out the camber angle wear, and hopefully replace the rear shock if the overnight shipment works as promised. I don’t feel I have any shock damping since it froze in Richards, TX. I have a concern that the air part of the shock may fail next which would leave me stranded with potential wheel damage.

Day 27 – Crowds & Questions

Seems like a lot more pictures were taken by passing motorists, when they finally decided to pass. Whenever I stopped for food, more folks than usual gathered and made it hard to gracefully leave. I guess LA is full of inquiring minds. Good for them, just wish they didn’t always ask how much those things cost. One young twenty something lady ( we’ll call her ‘tattoo’ ) wanted to sit inside and have her picture taken. I said fine just remember that an old guy has been sitting in there for 7 or 8 hours a day for the last 4 weeks sweating profusely on that seat. ‘Tattoo’ changed her mind.

Stopped again, this time the officer said he had complaints that people had to pass me. Because this section of road had a shoulder that was usually full of logging debris or grass or was broken up, I rode on the side of the road. I did move to the shoulder if a car approached from the rear and either an oncoming car or a yellow line prevented the car from passing. No angry honks. The officer observed my behavior before stopping me and agreed the shoulder was crappy and said I should continue to be careful.

Finally got on a less traveled road and observed crawfish farming. I didn’t know what those little floaty things were all in a row, until I saw the guy in the boat picking them up and seeing they were traps. They re-flood rice fields after harvest to farm crawfish.

Another bountiful day of dogs, none very persistent. I did try to give one dog a run for his money, he tried to keep up until he tripped over his own feet and ended up in the tall grass. Then there was the little dachshund, I wanted to slow up to help his self esteem. I guess I am easily amused.

The knees feel better. Yay!

I reached a milestone, over 2000 miles done, less than 925 to go. That’s 2/3 complete, only 3 digits need to be used to describe remaining miles. Tomorrow I cross the Mississippi.

Day 26 – Adios Lone Star

15 days in Texas, it is a big state! The first day I was in Texas a person told me that Texas was a country in itself. I thought he was just talking about size, but I think that many Texans remember that Texas was an independent republic before being annexed by the US. I rarely see the state flag of my home state being displayed with the US flag. In Texas I saw the Texas state flag almost as much as the US flag. Often they are displayed with equal prominence in size and height. I believe the Texas state flag is the same as the third flag of the republic of Texas. I should have paid more attention in history class.

Nice weather today, starting in the 50s to upper 70s and light wind.

I almost made it to LA by noon, but met 2 cyclists going the other way. John and Joann from Maryland are on a mainly East to West trip at least until AZ when they head North. They started today from DeRidder which is where I planned to go and where I am now. They told me of some issues where I planned to stay, so I chose an alternate place to sleep. I told them about the cabin in Richards should they have that as one of there destinations.

Oh and when I say LA, I’m just to lazy to spell out

I was still chased by a few dogs, but they just didn’t compare to yesterday. These dogs stopped way too soon and I never heard the sound of dog nails on pavement.

My rear shock has been acting up a bit ever since it got below freezing so I’m keeping an eye on it. I have moved my packing around to put less pressure around the rear wheel and things seemed quieter today.

I may need to give my knees a rest by Wednesday, we’ll see if they recover on their own.

Day 25 – Who let the dogs out?

Not once in 24 days of riding over 1700 miles have any dogs given chase. Sure, some have been excited but they were behind fences. Today I was chased no less than 6 separate times by usually 2 to 3 dogs at a time. Since the first 2 times were no issue, I decided to bark back the 3rd time – won’t do that again. They just ran faster and farther, finally I beeped the horn and that confused them. The 5th time I was silent but the big boxer like dog got within feet. More horn beeping combined with riding toward the dog finally ended the chase. The last time was too funny, being chased by 3 large chihuahua types – what would they do if they actually caught me? Maybe east TX lets their dogs play on Saturday.

I did get to ride through what I recall as the Sam Houston national forest. Strange to see 2 separate areas where there was significant smoke across the road from smoldering fires. This is a picture of the Lake Cagle recreation area in that forest.

If I complained about the cold yesterday, I had a surprise this morning as a thin layer of ice covered the velomobile. The temperature warmed up to the 50s by 10 and 70s by 1.

The last 20 miles were flatter and straighter than any road so far.

I started on map 5 of 7 and should finally leave TX by noon on the 21st. I’m starting segment 22 and will see how long it takes before I lose sync with these preplanned route segments.

Day 24 – Texas Chili

I mean chilly. The temperature stayed around 50 for most of the morning ( I have a temperature display on my bike computer ). I know what you’re saying, ‘we have snow coming down, stop your whining’. You’re right but I was getting used to the 90s, at least I wasn’t wet with sweat or rain. Some gusty wind remained from yesterday’s storm, but overall a nice day.

This is what a typical east TX front yard looks like and I’m seeing a lot more homes and farms now

These 3 came from the house area to see if I was edible.

The terrain was more rolling with elevations between 200 and 400 ft.

I would be tent camping except it’s supposed to get near freezing and I am spoiled. I’m at a unique place near Richards called ‘the Checkpoint’. The owners are a husband and wife who came from Germany. This is a working farm/ranch with campsites and cabins catering to motorcyclists and cyclists.

I’m in a cabin that has a room on either end and a common kitchen in the middle with a big porch. Did I mention they have wireless too?

There’s also a pool with some unique rules, since I’m the only guest tonight that last one won’t be used.

The wife mentioned that the big guided adventure cycling group came through 2 weeks ago – doesn’t look like I’ll catch them.

Day 23 – Wet & Wild

I knew a front was moving in and my plans were to change the route and ride st20a to Navasota. The morning weather prognosticators said the storm was falling apart and only light scattered showers were expected. I left at 8 expecting the upper 60s and humidity to last all day.

So far so good, 6 miles in light rain and the Walmart camping foam removable top was keeping things dry and warm – a good improvement from last August’s ride to Oshkosh. Then I lost a lane to construction – no problem as I could ride in the closed off lane by myself.

Then the front blew in, temps dropped 20 degrees to 50 with strong cross winds that drove the rain into my t shirt soaking it in no time. Brrrrrr. No problem as I put on the rain jacket that the chain damaged a few weeks ago.

Then the law stopped me. As soon as he knew I was human powered and that was the reason for my speed or lack thereof – he wanted to leave to get out of the rain. Usually we talk for a while. He did express concerns for my safety after the construction ended and the shoulder disappeared. I’ve been stopped twice now on this journey for lack of speed – I guess we do slow down as we get older. It was only a year ago that Waukesha stopped me for being too fast – ahh the good old days.

Leaving highway 21 for 290, the cross wind was more of a tail wind but no shoulder with 2 lanes in each direction. It was a constant rear view vigil to make sure cars and trucks were moving over so I did not become buzzard fodder. I noticed the big rigs were throwing up so much water, that I was becoming less visible. I see a McDonalds sign in Giddings and decide to wait there for a while.

The wind was so bad it took several minutes to orient the velomobile so nothing would blow off or get too wet. When I got up to get my order I felt as if I suffered from incontinence observing the huge puddle I left behind. The rain picked up and the radar showed about 2 more hours of green.

I did not have a burning bush encounter, but felt that perhaps God was telling me to stop and ride safely tomorrow instead of risking 24 more miles on 290. My prayers for a safe journey today had been granted. So my shortest ride of 30 miles as I warm up and dry off in Giddings, TX.

I am close to a well reviewed BBQ place, so that’s where I ate. The reviews were correct.

I did see a drive through concept that I had not observed before. When you need that drink, why must you stop the car, turn it off and walk inside?

Day 22 – This could be WI

Rolling land, freshly planted corn, oil wells slowly pumping crude – well except for the pumps it could be WI in June.

Only 1000 ft of climbing in 60 miles, lightly traveled roads except for the first 11 miles until I reached Kyle. I had been warned about the traffic both by my hosts and an addendum to the southern tier maps. I decided to leave a little later to give the traffic a chance to clear and that improved the ride compared to yesterday’s ride on the first stretch of this road.

Kyle, still my favorite son-in-law:

I saw more horse farms today along with cattle. Haven’t seen other cyclists for a while now. The roads no longer have signs warning of flooding every mile, however I did see this new verbiage:

I might actually be out of Texas this weekend. Of the 7 maps to get me across the country, I should finish the 4th one on Friday. The remaining 3 maps have no elevation profiles! (Because they feel the elevation is pretty much irrelevant)

Day 21 – spot takes a break

Before I explain the gap in the tracking data…

Great big thanks to Steve and Suzanne for hosting me about 7 miles east of Wimberley. I felt like royalty as they cooked an excellent meal and made a wonderful drink for me. If you’re in the San Antonio area look up Steve’s sanantoniobiketours. I bet if you’re nice he’ll show you a velomobile or 2. Steve also has a Quest velomobile similar to mine, but not quite as beat up (honey how about a carbon Quest when I get home?)

While the ride did include 3500 ft of climbing and 95 miles of hot and humid, it did not seem to bad as the climbs were not that long – a lot of up and down but sometimes the downhills were long enough to go all the way up the next hill.

After I had ridden 40 miles and was taking a stretching break on the top of a hill, I noticed there were no lights on spot (the tracking device). Since the device and the lithium batteries were 2 years old I expected this to happen sooner. After installing a new set of batteries, it should be good for the remainder of the trip. I still have another set just of batteries just in case. To clarify, I did not get a lift, spot was just tired.

There is a storm front and some wind moving in to the area. The predicted severity may be overrated but I’ll be doing a short day tomorrow and maybe Thursday as well. I don’t mind the rain, but thunder and my reduced visibility to other drivers is what I want to avoid.

Day 20 – Granny gets a workout

For those not familiar with the term ‘granny gear’, it’s when you use the smallest gear in front and the largest gear in the rear. That was my combination of necessity as I scaled four 400 to 500 ft climbs each lasting less than a mile – that translates to at least an 8% grade. While I did not get out and push, the last one required 3 or 4 stops. Looking at the ridewithgps data, I was only expecting 2 ridiculous climbs. The ‘twisted sisters’ of the Texas hill country did not disappoint. I thought I had a better picture but this is it

During those climbs, I did get to return the waves from many motorcycle riders, seems that if there were 2 on a bike, the 2nd person had a camera taking a picture. Aside from the occasional pickup, it was all bikes plus one phalanx of Ferraris that I saw twice, once coming down as I was going up and then going up as I was going up on another climb. One Ferrari’s occupants even waved enthusiastically and gave me some happy horn beeps!

Surprisingly, going down gave me more issues than going up as the turns encouraged me to use the brakes lest I wish to go through the guardrail. By the end of the day, the brakes were squeaking to the point of embarrassment. ( taking a rest day Monday to re-hydrate and look at the brake pads which requires front wheel removal to open up the drums).

This was the first day with fairly high humidity and morning cloud cover, within the first hour of climbing I was drenched. I nearly depleted all my water reserves and that’s another reason for the rest day.

I met an interesting fellow at the top of my last 2400 ft summit. He was sitting by his motorhome on a lawn chair looking off into the distance when he saw me and ran to get his camera. He could have been Gary Busey’s uncle with his eyes and hair. He’s ridden his motorcycle all over and been to WI to a town called Butternut.

I rode the last 15 miles along the Guadalupe river, very scenic and recreational. Not something I had expected to see, need to take more pictures but it was getting to be a long day.

Today was the last day I will be over 2000 ft, after Tuesday l will not be over 1000 ft for the rest of this journey. I’m also now at the halfway point which makes me hopeful for completing this in a reasonable amount of time.

P.S. couldn’t sleep, so I looked at the brake pads and they have plenty of material, so a little cleaning and if that doesn’t stop the noise I won’t be concerned.

Day 19 – Greenery, Trees, River

A nice change from the previous days and days. The landscape became more gradual and rolling. The closer I got to Camp Wood, the more I saw trees around houses and greenish lawns.

Almost like home except I don’t get to wish my understanding wife a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! In person.

Feeling not well rested after yesterday’s marathon ride in the heat and wind. Stopped at 80 miles to rest for tomorrow’s occasional 8-10% grades. Then maybe the hard parts are almost over? I seem to be thinking those thoughts too often only to be proved wrong. Tomorrow’s route is around the 3 sisters or twisted sisters of the Texas hill country – search for it and try and figure out why the route goes here and let me know 🙂

Tomorrow I finish the rest of st16 and do about 60 miles of st17 depending on how things go.

Pleasant weather today, upper 70s and overcast with a tolerable wind.

I did manage to patch the camelbak with the kit that came with my inflatable pillow. So far it’s holding.

Day 18 – Hills and Headwinds

So while it looked mainly downhill on the route st15, the reality is that there was 3000 ft of climbing according to the garmin. Really not a bad ride until the winds kicked in after noon.

A little less than 10 hours of riding to cover 118 miles. It was the headwinds.

Although they seemed to affect me less than the Father-Daughter riding couple that I first met in Alpine. I caught up with them after I had done 80 miles and they had done 40 as they started later due to the chilly morning temps that started in the 40s but rose to near 90 in the afternoon. They were struggling with the winds and only averaging about 7mph. We talked some more as we rode up a hill at 4mph and then I rode ahead.

There is also a unicyclist that is riding across the country. I saw his support van and talked a little with the van driver but did not see him yet.

I was interviewed by an Australian driving a car around the world in 300 days. His name is Brendan Edgerton, no website on his business card and his Facebook doesn’t mention his adventure.

The next few days will be interesting to see if these routes are tougher than they appear as today’s ride was.

Today was another laundry day, don’t want those border patrol dogs to go crazy if they sniff around the velomobile again.

Day 17 – 55 miles of nothing

Or should I say 35 miles of nothing followed by Marathon, TX, followed by 55 miles of nothing and then Sanderson. ‘Nothing’ means no stores and no gas stations that are still open. Kind of sad to see all those towns and buildings abandoned.

And then there was the wind that started in the afternoon. The winds make the downhills worse as the wind gusts tend to push the velomobile around.

Sanderson was also full of businesses that had closed. I finally found a grocery that was in a converted house 6 blocks off the main drag after asking around.

Sanderson is the official cactus capital of the world. They also shut down 10 miles of highway 90 in late April for a road race. Http://

I met a cyclist going from NC to CA. I wished him good luck on the hills to come.

Day 16 – I’ll never be this high again!

That would be the altitude of 5120 ft. Yup it’s all down hill from here, well lot’s of up, then down, then up, etc. Tomorrow’s ride drops below 3000 ft for the final time.

Today’s ride was more challenging than expected. I don’t know if it was coming off a rest day, or a 100+ mile ride, the coldest temps since I started or the 35 miles of rough Texas chip seal – probably all of the above. I rode with a long sleeve shirt and the partial cover for extra cold and wind protection.

Not much to see, a few horses here and there, secret USAF stealth bomber (or was it a teathered aerostat radar system)

I was most impressed by the waffle maker this morning, what state am I in?

A few problems today, one of the shamwows worked its way into the chain – had to cut out the greasy spots. ( I use the sham wow to catch the perspiration dripping from the elbows )  I have been pedaling without one of the 4 screws that hold the cleat to the right shoe. Found a real hardware store in Alpine TX and now have 2 spares. Lastly, one of the 100 oz camel backs ripped near the hose, will need to use Gatorade bottles for water now.

At the hardware store in Alpine I met another cyclist couple who started a day before me on their cross country tour. They rode in the dust and wind yesterday. At least one of them seems much younger than me. They were still going to ride 26 more miles today and camp. They figured we may see each other again.

Day 15 – Racing the Wind

Don’t forget about the day 14 post as this one become prominent.

The wind warnings still said noon so I got an early start about an hour before sunrise. Used the lights of course. Only encountered a dozen cars before sunrise. I also decided to use more of the freeway as it cut a few miles off the route. Texas also has their share of tire debris on the shoulder.

The route used a lot of the freeway or frontage roads. The smooth freeway pavement is nice, debris not – the frontage road is rough but clean and no cars.

Scenery changed to barren brown hills, probably good for sudden dust storms. I did not notice any wind issues until the last 30 minutes. By then I was going downhill into Van Horn on the freeway and the side gusts made it entertaining to keep the velomobile on the shoulder.

I’m in the central time zone!

The wind advisory is now extended to Tuesday morning. I have been riding for 8 straight days so I will take Tuesday off ( legs need some rest ). I’ll see if I can find a metric screw for my shoe cleat at the hardware store – if not there’s a bike shop in Alpine and I should be there Wednesday. I’ll also take this time to do some bike maintenance and track down some noises.

I will post a new route st13a that will take me to Alpine.

The couple from last night has also chosen this hotel from the 4 or so in town.

1/3 done yay!

Day 14 – Oh No Connectivity!

The ride was relatively short as the weather folks were saying gusts to 60 starting around 3. I decided that 130 miles could not be done before then so I chose Fort Hancock as a destination and possible rest day. Only one place to stay, so I stayed at the best place in town! ( actually the worst place so far, would not go in the shower )

I stopped here for the photo op, pretty desolate former manufacturing area.


The detour to Rosa’s also had me riding a few yards from the El Paso wall with Mexico. You could say I was within spitting distance ( although I’m pretty sure that’s not allowed on federal property )

I met an older couple ( OK maybe just a few years older than me ), cycling to the same destination. They caught up with me, passed and then slowed down so I caught up and we talked a little. They are doing a segment of this route from El Paso to Austin ) and are from Seattle. The wind seemed to become a little steadier between a head wind and cross wind and I said I’d ride on ahead. The wind acted a little like a sail and soon I could no longer see them behind me. They arrived after I finished checking in with their sag wagon driver. Must be nice to not carry all your stuff with you.

This couple also told me about a route modification that takes me from Van Horn to Alpine without the extreme hill climbing. Also told me about the best restaurant in town ( only one in town ). But it was good, so eat at Angie’s when you’re in Fort Hancock – don’t forget to order the homemade pie! I had apple, but cherry and pecan are also available.

The last of the pecan groves could be seen about 30 miles from El Paso. A few horse farms and then pretty much nothing.

Back to the weather, so the prognosticators changed the wind warning to start at noon Monday – thank goodness a chance for a rest day closer to civilization.

Day 13 – ‘Down in the west Texas town of El Paso’

A Marty Robbins classic – tomorrow a drive by Rosa’s Cantina. No falling in love and no gunfights though.( just Google a few keywords and watch on YouTube). A tune my Dad and I both liked – at least he bought the album – I wonder where it is now?

Just one of the tunes that goes through my head while I ride – at least when the other voices are quiet enough for me to listen.

A pleasant ride, pavement generally good, temps in the 70s with a few clouds. No big climbs again – I could get spoiled. I did deviate from the st10a route by taking the freeway for 11 miles as the smaller roads were not paved. Landscape changed from barren with no traffic to irrigated agriculture between Las Cruces and El Paso with cars and other bicycles! Thousands of pecan trees. How do I know since the leaves are just starting to grow? It was the sign that said ‘do not pick the pecans’


I see that the Rio Grande is fairly easy to cross these days.



I was talking to a Texan today about the upcoming weeks and said that Texas will be a challenging state, to which he said ‘Texas is a COUNTRY all by it self’

There are high wind warnings here the next few days starting at 3 Sunday afternoon and going through Tuesday. I’ll be making the next 2 days a little shorter, finishing up st11 and starting st12 tomorrow, and completing st12 the following day – weather permitting. High wind warnings can also breed dust storms.

My internet connectivity might also be an issue the next few days. If I get a T-Mobile data connection that’s not roaming, then I can do updates by tethering the tablet. The spot tracker will not be affected.

Day 12 – Detour to Deming

I got up at 5 thinking I was missing something, so I went to the motel PC (the android tablet does not do ridewithgps very well) to look at route alternatives. It looked like there was an alternative way to get to Las Cruces that avoided a nasty summit. The major unknown being whether the roads between Deming and Las Cruces were all paved or whether I10 can be used by cyclists. So I generated a new route, loaded it on the garmin and cancelled the U-Haul sag plan.

I started a little later again and after a few miles of downs followed by ups to 6000+ ft, the road tuned into a freshly paved gentle downhill for 30+ miles. Straight as an arrow (an arrow shot by that hunger games actress), 30+ mph without pedaling!  The road did level off and I was able to maintain the mid 20s with some pedaling effort. I would have been disappointed had I driven instead of ridden today. The altitude decreased to about 4300ft on today’s ride.

At the only rest stop on the route, I met a DOT worker who said that he has seen cyclists on I 10 and we talked a little about tomorrow’s route. And pictures were taken of course.

The land flattened out but no real agriculture. This could be related to the signs warning of sudden sand storms with 0 visibility and advising not to stop in the driving lane.

I will get much closer to both Texas and Mexico if all goes well tomorrow.

And today’s ride puts me at about 25% done.

Day 11 – The Divide

Feeling better and did a later start due to the time change and waiting till the sun was a little higher and warmer. Rode with the rain top on the velo for warmth as a long sleeve top gets too warm when riding.

Much gentler grades and nice roads today. One would think that crossing the continental divide would mean it’s all downhill. One would be wrong as just 2 miles down the road the peak was 150 ft higher.


And a picture of some short lived wild flowers in NM


So while today went well riding and I made it to Silver City. I’m still not right with this altitude or hydration as I blacked out briefly after climbing 1 flight of stairs to the motel room. The new plan is route st10a (a two day route)  that will take me to Deming and then Las Cruces where I rejoin with st11. Hopefully the roads are paved between Deming and Las Cruces or I10 is open for bikes.

Day 10 – Pushing is harder than Pedaling

Yes this post is late, had no phone or internet on Wednesday. I should not have had that shredded beef chimichanga the night before. Didn’t feel quite right and didn’t drink enough. Maybe that and the altitude started to do me in.

The day started good enough with moderate grades through very quiet roads. There’s a lone horse out there


The last 6 miles to the pass at 6300 ft were difficult for me, I even decided to push for maybe a half mile. That took my breath away and made me light headed. I pedaled on very slowly, here’s a look down the mountain. My last picture of AZ.



After the peak, I entered two national forests, the last being the Gila – lots of trees. The solar charger could not get enough sun to charge the GPS for a few miles. I entered NM at exactly 3/4 pm (mountain standard to mountain daylight savings time zone change).

The last 14 miles to Buckhorn were a nice gentle downhill, didn’t need to use the brakes. Got to camp after over 10 hours. Still enough light to set up camp and cook freeze dried beef stew. I was the only camper there, someone started playing the guitar and doing Alan Jackson songs – pretty good but too tired to get up. I was glad I brought some warm clothes as it got to the 30s.


Day 9 – Gila river valley

It’s amazing that one can pedal through areas that seem desolate and then you reach a valley that’s green through irrigation. The actual river being outlined by a line of trees in the distance. I never thought AZ had this kind of agriculture.

It was a little windy today so the downhills needed to be treated with respect as the crosswinds seem to come out of nowhere. Fairly cool in the morning, so I started to get goosebumps on the downhills and looked forward to the next climb so I could warm up. It probably only got to 80 during the ride based on the temperature displayed on the bank in Stafford.

I didn’t think there would be a problem finding a room in Safford, but the mining industry here uses contractors and puts them up in the reasonably priced rooms in town. Won’t be an issue tomorrow as I called ahead to the campground in NM – the only game in Buckhorn. If I make it up the hills.

Looking ahead the Wednesday and Friday ride will be tough, maybe the last vertically challenging routes between here and the Atlantic. I hope.

I’m at 3000 and will be climbing to 6000 tomorrow with 6000 ft of climbing. Lots of ups and downs to get there. Thursdays ride is short to get me to Silver City and make the higher climb Friday achievable – or I find someone with a pickup truck that’s not too busy… I see mountains with snow on them now.

Yesterdays front derailleur fix worked fine today. Got to use the middle ring on the flats and gentle climbs on the last 25 miles of the route.

Favorite comment today from a youngster riding in a pickup truck – ‘you’re in a yellow banana’

Day 8 – Lost 18 speeds

I’m sure I packed them, they were there a couple days ago. At nearly 60 I seem to misplace things more often.

I had experienced a problem getting into the lowest front gear a few days ago, but it cleared up. Today, I could not shift the front derailleur at all, just when the grade switched to 6%. The problem was somewhat obvious after inspection, the derailleur clamps to an circular disk with an offset hole on an aluminum rod and it was slipping. Rather than deal with this on the incline, I forced it to the small gear and left it there until I could fix right tonight.

If your keeping track, I finished st6 and started about 5 miles of st7. Plan is  to complete st7 Tuesday, st8 Wednesday and split st9 into Thursday and Friday. These hills are proving that my planning was too ambitious for my conditioning and weight of the velo, gear and water.

From Apache Junction to the western side of the first pass at 2900 ft., the landscape seemed greener, the wildflowers predominantly yellow with some red and blue were getting into full bloom. A nice change of pace from the stones. The temps were cooler in the low 80s.


This was also a nice sign to see, although there was still 200 some feet to go.


The route guide alluded to some issue with the road conditions between Superior and Globe, I think it was referring to the shoulders that were there, then they weren’t, then that nasty rumble strip. At least there was a passing lane going up, now to convince AZ drivers to use it.