A Marty Robbins classic – tomorrow a drive by Rosa’s Cantina. No falling in love and no gunfights though.( just Google a few keywords and watch on YouTube). A tune my Dad and I both liked – at least he bought the album – I wonder where it is now?
Just one of the tunes that goes through my head while I ride – at least when the other voices are quiet enough for me to listen.
A pleasant ride, pavement generally good, temps in the 70s with a few clouds. No big climbs again – I could get spoiled. I did deviate from the st10a route by taking the freeway for 11 miles as the smaller roads were not paved. Landscape changed from barren with no traffic to irrigated agriculture between Las Cruces and El Paso with cars and other bicycles! Thousands of pecan trees. How do I know since the leaves are just starting to grow? It was the sign that said ‘do not pick the pecans’
I see that the Rio Grande is fairly easy to cross these days.
I was talking to a Texan today about the upcoming weeks and said that Texas will be a challenging state, to which he said ‘Texas is a COUNTRY all by it self’
There are high wind warnings here the next few days starting at 3 Sunday afternoon and going through Tuesday. I’ll be making the next 2 days a little shorter, finishing up st11 and starting st12 tomorrow, and completing st12 the following day – weather permitting. High wind warnings can also breed dust storms.
My internet connectivity might also be an issue the next few days. If I get a T-Mobile data connection that’s not roaming, then I can do updates by tethering the tablet. The spot tracker will not be affected.