Initial assessment

Here’s what the ad pictures looked like:

Let’s start with the home made disk brakes, with only one good eye that couldn’t focus up close after cataract surgery I missed this completely and relied on the seller’s assurance that the front brakes were drum brakes (I and the seller did not have the right tools to readily remove the wheels) – but I tried.

They work by pulling one side against a steel disk – they do not squeeze (or probably stop)

The there’s the strut – probably homemade as well with a VERY stiff spring on the inside. I expected to replace some of the balljoints, but they are all beyond hope.

Some minor structural damage that may indicate bigger problems in the seating area.

And then the biggest issue with the left front shock tower. The first picture shows the underside where the original aluminum tore, the second picture shows the top side damage that indicates the problem was not fixed with reinforcement. The top front will need to be removed to  access the shock towers and fix them properly.

bottom left shock damage
top left shock mount damage

And then there’s the missing bottom aluminum that protects the chain from the elements and provides an aerodynamic advantage. I was corrected by the email from the Netherlands that the missing plate was not aluminum but a plastic attached with velcro. I will close this off with coroplast.

This is a much bigger project than anticipated.