Day 29 – Pleasant Pedaling

Sunny, low humidity, temps in the 70s, trees, no dogs chasing me, 2500 ft of gentle climbing with rolling roads, good road surface, light traffic – very nice day.

My wonderful wife pulled off a miracle and shipped my old rear shock to me in less than 24 hours so it arrived during my rest day.

Bike maintenance went fine. Front tires rotated and the original rear shock was installed. The risse air/oil shock was leaking oil. The ride is smoother again. Will have to see about repairing the fancy shock when I get back. Examined all the tires again and they are looking fine.

Yesterday was a good day to take a break. The front turned out to be stronger than predicted. T storm watch for everyone with T storm and tornado warnings as well. Twice as much rain as predicted and local flooding.

I needed to replan st25 which became st25a. I will be camping tomorrow and had planned to camp Saturday, but the campgrounds in Gulf Shores are full. I had to scramble to find some lodging. Hopefully I make the ferry crossing or I might be sleeping in the velomobile 🙂