After several weeks of riding with no issues it was time for final sanding and paint with RAL 2004 Pure Orange and RAL 5015 Sky Blue. Here are the pictures of what it looks like. This is not a perfect paint application as the blue matches better than the orange. There are also varied degrees of dullness and paint lines visible up close. The trade off is an entire respray (maybe just clear coat) which will add weight. It is fairly smooth to the touch and not noticeable from 20+ ft away. The repairs added about a pound to the DFXL going from 55 to 56 lbs. Click on the image to get a larger image, then click again to zoom.
Right Side


Left Side with wind deflector/visor


With kayak cover

With race cap

Tape marks

Head rest abrasion

Right wheel cover

Left wheel cover

Bottom, laying on left side

Bottom laying on right side

Front interior